

This page applies to.

  • Visitors to our web site.
  • Individuals who are our clients or prospective clients, former clients and their representatives.
  • Employees of our business clients.
  • Individuals named or to be named on an insurance policy or trust relating thereto, whether as the Insured, the Insured Person, an Assignee, a Trustee or a Beneficiary.

Your protection

Our primary basis for processing your data is for the performance of the contract we have with you to provide insurance advice and intermediation services. We will also process your data where we have a legitimate interest to do so, such as to enable us to meet our legal and regulatory responsibilities to you and the Financial Conduct Authority.

Collecting your data

We receive information about you when you complete a paper or electronic form, if you contact us by telephone or email and when we meet face to face in person or remotely. We also receive information about you from other sources. For example, if you give us your consent to obtain medical information or give us authority to seek information from your insurer.